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Portobello and Carrot Casserole

Portobello and Carrot Casserole

by Susannah White
Mushrooms cooked in the right way can seem quite 'meaty' - so this recipe should be of comfort to anyone trying to reduce their red meat consumption who still wants a rich casserole on a cold day.
Whole-Foods Plant-Based Mulligatawny

Whole-Foods Plant-Based Mulligatawny

by Susannah White
A nutritious and filling soup with mild spices
Berry Nutty Streusel

Berry Nutty Streusel

by Susannah White
The streusel that might reduce your stroke risk!  
Why might a beautiful 'pastry' actually help you to avoid stroke? It's high in fibre, known to reduce risk, contains potassium and magnesium which are essential and you'll feel the need to sit and relax whilst eating it - have a moment of pure indulgence to reduce stress and incorporate a pause in your day.
Scrambled Tofu

Scrambled Tofu

by Susannah White
One of the simplest, quickest lunches: scrambled tofu on toast. Ready in 8 minutes.

You'll need a silken tofu, not extra-firm. Just drain the tofu, heat a pan (no oil needed), mash up the tofu a little in the pan along with herbs & spices you like. We use onion powder, garlic powder, turmeric, parsley & paprika mixed together. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly and serve on toast.
(Baked) Sweetcorn “Frittatas”

(Baked) Sweetcorn “Frittatas”

by Susannah White
A quick and easy dish that works really well with salad
Chickpea Dhal

Chickpea Dhal

by Susannah White
This is a great introductory curry for any plant-based (or omni!) eaters that are new to cooking spices. The recipe is completely WFPB compliant. It's not the quickest recipe, but it's not particularly labour-intensive either - it just takes quite a while simmering to get the rich flavours.