Berry Nutty Streusel

Why might a beautiful 'pastry' actually help you to avoid stroke? It's high in fibre, known to reduce risk, contains potassium and magnesium which are essential and you'll feel the need to sit and relax whilst eating it - have a moment of pure indulgence to reduce stress and incorporate a pause in your day.
- 150g Hazelnuts
- 200g Dates
- 50g Sunflower seeds
- 100g Cashews - preferably soaked in cold water for 2 hours and then drained
- 10g Cacao butter (optional - gives a mild chocolate flavour but isn’t vital) - softened or melted
- 2 tbsp Maple syrup
- 5 tbsp water
- Fruit spread, jam, conserve or jelly of your choice - could be shop bought or home made
- The streusel shown in the image was made using a shop bought high fruit blackberry jelly
- 80g Pistachios
(I’ve designed the steps in a way so that the processor only needs to be cleaned once at the end rather than between each stage)
- Make the topping by putting the pistachios in a processor and pulse them a few times to break into smaller pieces, remove and put aside. Don’t worry about cleaning the processor.
- Make the drizzle by processing the cashews, maple, water and cacao butter together until smooth - it’ll take a while. Remove from processor and put aside for later. Still don’t worry about cleaning the processor as it really doesn’t matter if a bit of the drizzle gets mixed in with the crust.
- Make the crust by processing the hazelnuts & sunflower seeds until they are a crumb texture then adding the dates and process until it sticks together well.
- Finally, assemble the streusel by pressing the base (hazelnut mixture) into a pie dish or baking tin lined with baking paper (approx 20cm square should work well). Getting the base to spread out and cover the baking paper will require a lot of patience! Use your hands to press it and push it around until you achieve a fairly smooth finish. Then spread a layer of the fruit spread/jam on top, being careful not to disrupt the base layer. Now sprinkle the pistachios on. Finally drizzle the…drizzle on top - you can do this by using a piping bag or a syringe. Alternatively, grab handfuls of it and flick it on. You’ll feel like an artist.
- Place in a freezer for at least an hour before attempting to cut into pieces. Clean the processor!