Portobello and Carrot Casserole

Mushrooms cooked in the right way can seem quite 'meaty' - so this recipe should be of comfort to anyone trying to reduce their red meat consumption who still wants a rich casserole on a cold day.
- 4 medium size carrots
- 4-5 large portobello mushrooms
- 250g white or chestnut mushrooms
- 1 onion
- 2 shallots
- 2 cloves garlic
- 6 stalks of cavolo nero
- 1 mug vegetable or mushroom broth
- Handful fresh parsley
- 1 and a half tbsp tomato puree
- 2 tsp dried Italian seasoning
- 1 can or pack of ready-cooked black beans
- 1 tbsp cornflour mixed with 3 tbsp water
- Black pepper
- Potatoes/pasta or bread to serve with casserole
- First, remove the thick stalks from the cavolo nero and discard. Chop up the leaves and put aside for the sulphoraphane to develop.
- Next peel the carrots and cut into large chunks. Put in a saucepan with enough water to cover them and bring to the boil.
- Preheat the oven to gas mark 6/400F/200C. Clean the portobellos and remove the stalks. Place them underside-up on a baking tray and put in oven for about 20 minutes.
- Slice up the onions and shallots, crush the garlic and slice the chestnut or white mushrooms. Dry-fry very gently in a large wok or extra-large frying pan.
- To the onions etc., add the tomato puree, the cavalo nero and the Italian seasoning and mix well. Add the stock. Turn heat down low.
- When the portobellos are steaming hot and starting to release moisture, remove from oven and carefully pour the liquid they have released into a cup or bowl - this will add lots of flavour to the dish so don’t discard it! Slice them up thickly.
- Once the carrots are soft, drain them. Add the carrots, portobellos, liquid and black beans to the wok/frying pan and stir. Chop up the parsley and add to wok/frying pan.
- Ensuring that the heat of the hob is turned down low, gradually add the cornflour/water mixture to slightly thicken the liquid of the casserole.
- Stir for a couple of minutes to combine all of the flavours well. Turn off the heat and put the lid back on. Leave it 10 minutes before serving to allow the flavours to develop.
- Serve with roast potatoes/sweet potatoes or mash or bread etc.,